11 Sep 2024 --- The consumption of fruit, oats and rye in childhood may be linked to the risk of developing the autoimmune condition type 1 diabetes (T1D). Meanwhile, eating berries has been shown to lower the chance of developing the disease. T1D is the most common form of diabetes among children.
“T1D is a serious condition that requires lifelong treatment, and so places a considerable burden on the patient and their family,” says professor Suvi Virtanen of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki, who led the research.
“Berries are particularly rich in polyphenols, plant compounds which may dampen the inflammation that is associated with the development of type 1 diabetes. On the other hand, fruits may contain harmful substances that don’t occur in berries. For example, berries can be free of pesticides that are found on other fruits.”
The research team followed 5,674 Finnish children (3,010 boys and 2,664 girls) with genetic susceptibility to T1D from birth to age six.
The study will be presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Madrid, Spain, taking place 9–13 September.
Growing T1D concern
The immune system condition attacks and destroys the insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas, which stops the body from creating the insulin needed to regulate blood sugar levels.
The scientific community does not yet know what triggers this disease, but cases are expected to double from 8.4 million in 2021 to 17.4 million by 2040. Finland has the highest T1D rate globally at 52.2 cases per 100,000 children under the age of 15. This is a five-fold increase since the 1950s.
“The rapid increase in T1D in children suggests that environmental factors play an important role in the development of the disease. Identifying these factors will offer an opportunity to develop strategies to prevent it and its complications,” Virtanen asserts.
“It can lead to complications including eye, heart, nerve and kidney problems and shorten life expectancy and has substantial health care costs — around €1million (US$1.1million) per patient in Finland.”
The study considered every aspect of every child’s diet.Islet autoimmunity triggers
A number of food and beverage products have been linked to the attack on the insulin-producing cells, also known as islet autoimmunity. Virtanen’s study is the first to explore, on a large scale, how diet in infancy and early childhood affects the development of T1D.
The study considered every aspect of every child’s diet and separated these into 34 food groups. Several of these were shown to increase the risk of developing T1D in childhood.
“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a child’s entire diet has been considered at the same time,” states the research lead.
Overall, strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, blackcurrants and other berries appeared to provide protection against T1D. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, were also associated with a decreased risk.
Meanwhile, oats, bananas, fermented dairy products (such as yogurts) and wheat were associated with an increased islet autoimmunity risk. These associations occurred regardless of the other foods eaten.
“It is important to find out which factors in these foods are responsible for these associations,” she asserts. “Are the same causative factors or protective factors found in several foods?”
“If berries are found to contain a particular protective factor, for instance, either that substance or berries themselves could be used to prevent T1D. However, it is too early to make any dietary recommendations.”
Virtanen cautions: “Many of the foods that we found to be associated with increased risk of T1D and the disease process are considered part of a healthy diet, and it is important that our results are replicated in other studies before anyone considers making changes to their child’s diet.”
A different research conducted last year in India similarly confirmed that lifestyle choices are vital to managing childhood diabetes.